11 Best Email Marketing Tips Ever


On-the-verge-frees-you-from-email-dilemmaYour email recipients are just like you: they plow through the inbox looking for which emails to delete, not which emails to read. Dodge the delete key with compelling emails – answer these questions before building an email campaign or writing your first email.

  1. What is my objective? Too many emails try to do too much. Identify one central point for your email and focus on that.
  2. What do I want the email to accomplish? Generally, it’s not to sell or to convert a lead; that’s what landing pages are for. Nine times out of ten, the purpose  is simply to get a click to the landing page.
  3. What can I include about the recipient? That’s what databases are for – keep track and use pertinent information as one more way to strengthen the relationship.
  4. Do I sound like a marketing department? You’re a person – sound like one. Leave out jargon, buzz words, and corporate-speak.
  5. Do I have permission? Never email anyone unless they’ve opted in. Ever.
  6. Who is sending the email? A communication doesn’t take place between departments. Sending an email from “Sales@XYZcompany.com” is just cold.
  7. Is my message clear? If your email includes five links to four different landing pages, an abundance of images that serve no purpose, or doesn’t follow a logical order, the answer is no.
  8. Am I communicating what’s relevant to my reader? If you’re cross-selling, reference the prior purchase or the service already provided. Let them know you’ve paid attention. Again, this is what your database is for.
  9. What is my value proposition? Your reader wants to know, “Why should I buy from you and not your competitor?” Give a reason that resonates with their specific needs.
  10. How will you know when I’m successful? Even experts can design emails that don’t deliver the goods. You’ll never know what lift you can get from a message or campaign unless you test variations. The ultimate goal is lead conversion. No matter how much success you are having, can that number double with a little tweak?
  11. How can I get my email read? Craft a subject line that includes a “what’s in it for me” benefit. Then add second subject line at the top of the email that expands on the benefits, right above the personal salutation.

Email marketing remains an effective sales and marketing strategy to reach your customers and prospects. Pay attention to fundamental principles and you’ll stand out from the pack.

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2 Responses to “11 Best Email Marketing Tips Ever”

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  1. Joan O'Connell says:

    Great list Lindsay! I like your comments about personalization – it is so rare to hear someone’s “voice” in an email.

  2. Thanks, Joan. A recent webinar drove home the point that our recipients do exactly what we do: try to cull the inbox of every irrelevant and unwanted email before even getting to the ones we want to read. That sure drives home that relationship marketing depends on relevance and quality of the content!

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