Three Tips for Improving Lead Conversion

Has your company spent significant time, revenue and resources on marketing and sales functions, yet aren’t achieving the lead conversion and resulting sales performance you expected? Instead of allowing sales to go into free fall, try these three helpful strategies for improving your lead conversion from your inbound marketing efforts. Clear Definition of Lead There seems to be a consistent battle between sales and marketing regarding lead quality. This usually […]

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11 Best Email Marketing Tips Ever


Your email recipients are just like you: they plow through the inbox looking for which emails to delete, not which emails to read. Dodge the delete key with compelling emails – answer these questions before building an email campaign or writing your first email. What is my objective? Too many emails try to do too much. Identify one central point for your email and focus on that. What do I […]

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Create a Lead-Scoring System to Win More Sales

All leads are not created equal. Even if companies know how to generate leads, many have no lead management system in place to evaluate the quality of a lead. The thinking is, as long as it comes from a carbon-based life form and has a pulse it goes directly to the sales team. This no-system system is costly. Why not improve sales results by determining which leads get passed along now and […]

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Align sales and marketing to increase marketing ROI

How Marketing and Sales can unite

I recently participated in a forum discussion about who is driving the conversation about sales and marketing alignment, marketing or sales. Once I stopped thinking, “Duh, who wouldn’t want that?” and “Can’t we all just get along?” it occurred to me that the “who, what, or why” doesn’t matter. It just simply must happen. As a CRM implementation consultant I see the fallout from this misalignment in many of the […]

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