Email Marketing and Social Media: A Perfect Couple

Email and social media make the perfect couple

As stand-alone tools, email and social media can each play a valuable role in achieving your marketing goals. Marketing tactics are changing to include on-line communities. And email marketing remains a viable marketing tool. In fact, email and social media campaigns can be used together to enhance each other and achieve better results. It is important to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each channel to use them effectively. Email […]

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Why Are You Sending Me This Email? 3 X 3 Email Marketing Strategies


Your email inbox is filled to overflowing with unread messages.  Everyone’s is. And everyday we play the game of figuring out what to read and what to delete.  So, imagine how much it costs in wasted time and lost opportunities when that happens to your email campaigns! How can you turn it around? For starters, don’t ask  “How?”,  ask “Why?” As in, “Why would someone read my message?”  “Because I want them to sell […]

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11 Ways to Avoid Email Marketing Disaster

11 ways to avoid email marketing disaster

Although B2B email marketing is a well-established marketing tactic, many businesses are still doing it wrong. Don’t be one of those companies. Email is an effective way to communicate with your leads and customers if used properly. Here are 11 things not to do if you want your company’s next email campaign to be a smashing success. And 11 take-aways on how to do it right. The Path to Disaster 1.  Failing […]

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