When Implementing CRM, KISS


Organizations can make a number of costly mistakes when implementing a customer relationship management (CRM) system – especially when they elect not to use specialist and perform the development and implementation internally. A few mistakes can have significant time and financial impacts. In the worst-case scenario, organization can be left with a CRM system that doesn’t meet business needs. Here are some common CRM implementation mistakes, and how they can […]

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Sales reps: A cure for the “I don’t wanna type” blues

You were born to sell, not to type. You certainly don’t want to spend a lot of time slaving over a hot keyboard when you could be closing sales. Yet you have to write proposals and other documents – and often type the same long phrases & industry-specific terminology. And, perhaps, make the same typos – over and over. Wouldn’t it be nice to increase productivity, improve your business writing, and make it […]

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Marketing Strategies for Small Business

How do you develop a lead management system that can improve sales? Planning, execution, and follow-though are key; then make sure that your focus stays on the customer. You can check out some great resources to help with these efforts at MarketingProfs. Here are excerpts from a recent article to help get you started: From Six best practices to improve sales and marketing Alignment by Laura Patterson – some great […]

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Create a Lead-Scoring System to Win More Sales

All leads are not created equal. Even if companies know how to generate leads, many have no lead management system in place to evaluate the quality of a lead. The thinking is, as long as it comes from a carbon-based life form and has a pulse it goes directly to the sales team. This no-system system is costly. Why not improve sales results by determining which leads get passed along now and […]

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