Content marketing: 3 Ways Perception Impacts Influence

Context influences Perception

When it comes to marketing, perception is paramount. This should go without saying. Yet, some insights from the science of perception are not well- integrated by business . Here are three ways that perception can influence your B2B marketing success. 1. Color Colors have a surprisingly strong influence on the way that consumers look at products. A striking 85% of customers say that color is the primary reason that they choose […]

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Email Segmentation: Who Wants to be Average?

Rather than sending out an all-purpose marketing message that is meant for some hypothetical “average” consumer, your messaging will be more effective when you treat your audience as the special people they are. Segmentation enables us to be more interesting, relevant, and influential to our customers. Done right, this boosts loyalty and drives sales. Fail! The reason that segmentation fails for some businesses is that they tend to segment by their […]

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Categories: CRM

Sage ACT!: Export ACT Contacts to Excel

Sage ACT! has a nifty feature that let’s you export a list to Microsoft Excel. Here’s how: Look up the contact records you want to export ACT! displays them in the list view Adjust the list’s columns to display only the fields you need to export Click the Export to Excel Icon on the List view toolbar. It’s that simple. Here’s a short video (1:30 minutes) that walks you through […]

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What do your BMW and your business have in common?


You’re driving to work and your left front tire just flew off. Whoa! What’s the first thing you’d do (after you stopped shaking)? Do you put the tire back on and drive away? Or do you get your valuable car to the best garage in town, figure out how it happened, and fix it so it doesn’t happen again? Which is the faster, cheaper solution? Which is the safer, more […]

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