The Future of Inbound Marketing


Times change. Consumers pay scant attention to pitches presented in traditional marketing campaigns. They employ spam blockers, DVRs and mail services that remove ads so that outbound-marketing-is-too-much-noise.jpgthey can ignore the messages – messages that companies  spend significant dollars to produce.

On the B2B side, trade show attendance is falling, direct mail is waning, and voice mail is just about the best gatekeeper your customer can employ.

This consumer backlash against the unrelenting “noise” of outbound marketing has caused many organizations to rethink traditional marketing strategies and tactics. Efforts like cold calling, direct mail and television ads are being retired and replaced with more successful tactics.

Inbound marketing focuses on getting found by customers instead of finding them. Inbound marketing relies heavily on tools like search engines, word of mouth and social networks to generate product interest.

If you were wondering if inbound marketing was just a passing fad or has some staying power, we have a few trends to show you. MDG Advertising recently published an infographic, which we dissected, that illustrates where the inbound marketing is going.

According to the data from MDG, an increasing number of organizations are shifting marketing budgets from outbound to inbound marketing techniques. In addition, as illustrated below, these organizations are also more on inbound marketing because more than half are experiencing success with their efforts.

What types of success? More leads are being converted into customers across multiple social media channels. Businesses seem to being having positive results in both B2C and B2B sectors. However, different social networks result in different levels of success for B2C and B2B markets.

Finally, the MDG data projects that as companies more thoroughly embrace inbound marketing, online marketing will lead the way. MDG projects that social networks and blogs will continue to the most popular channels for attracting new customers.

If you had doubts that inbound marketing had staying power – the data show that it does. This may be why companies like HubSpot have being experiencing almost exponential growth over the last few years. You should definitely consider making inbound marketing a part of your marketing strategy. Not only is it cost effective, it is likely already being pursued by your competitors.




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